DFDS Freight

Our helpful and dedicated freight team at AFerry Freight .co.uk are ready to quote for your crossing. With experienced staff and strong ties to DFDS Freight Freight and Passenger services for many years, the team will provide you with the most competitive DFDS Freight Freight rate in the market.

Please fill in the form below or call us on +44 (0)870 220 8137.

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DFDS Freight Map

Information on DFDS Freight

Book DFDS Freight services to England, Holland, Sweden, Newcastle, Amsterdam, Gothenburg, Kristiansand, Esbjerg and Cuxhaven. AFerry Freight .co.uk lets you book DFDS Freight quickly and securely.

DFDS, which stands for " Det Forenede Dampskibs- Selskab" (The United Steamship Company), is the oldest, large shipping company in Denmark. DFDS was founded in 1866. DFDS is a growing shipping company with a leading market position in Northern Europe in overnight passenger shipping and freight liner shipping, primarily ro-ro shipping.

DFDS currently operates 65 vessels of which six are passenger vessels and 59 are freight vessels. Freight activities are operated by DFDS Tor Line. The main customer groups consist of international transport and shipping companies and manufacturers of large quantities of industrial goods whose logistics include a significant element of transport by sea. DFDS Tor Line transports around nine million tonnes of freight annually, corresponding to approximately ten million lane metres.

Besides Denmark, DFDS is present in the following European countries: Norway, Sweden, Finland, France, Latvia, Lithuania, Ireland, UK, The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and Poland.

DFDS Tor Line has built twelve 'Bridges for trade in Europe'. Each bridge covers a different route. Some of the most important bridges are:

AngloBridge connects Sweden and the UK.
BalticBridge connects Denmark and Lithuania.
BritanniaBridge is the link between Denmark and the UK.
ElbeBridge consists of two services linking Cuxhaven in Northern Germany with Immingham and Harwich in the UK.
EuroBridge connects Gothenburg in Sweden with Ghent in Belgium.
NorBridge covers services between Norway, the UK, the Netherlands and Germany.